Ski Reporting and Resort Data Tutorial

Hello! This tutorial will walk you through the steps and details of ski reporting and updating your resort data using our platform. Here’s a message from our Global Managing Director, Chad Dyer, to start it off and welcome you this season.



What is a snow report?

A snow report is a report that focuses on the current weather conditions, amounts of snow, and other essential details that a consumer would want to know about a ski resort or a ski region.

What makes a quality snow report?

A high-quality snow report has the following attributes: accuracy, consistency, and brevity.

Accuracy is pivotal; it is a must-have. Not only does it provide vital information for your consumers’ ski trip planning but it also ensures their entertainment and safety. Details that have to be always accurate are:

  • Operational status of your ski resort, i.e., if Open, Closed, Weekends Only, Temporarily Closed, or Permanently Closed
  • Amount of snow (for Latest Snowfall data and Snow Depth) and surface conditions
  • Number of lifts open, number of trails open, and other fundamental operational info about your ski resort

Jump to this section for more info.

Consistency is also indispensable. Regularly filing quality snow report generates and builds trust. Your consumers could be from any place in the world. Thus, a continuous and perfectly timed snow report will help reach them far and wide.

Brevity is another useful feature. Time has always been so precious and so we honor that with a succinct yet complete snow report.

Why file a snow report?

A snow report is your “special daily correspondence” to your loyal patrons and potential consumers. Consistently filing a report will show your consumers that you have constantly regarded them well by keenly updating them with the latest snow and freshest info about your ski resort. Make it your means to keep them company throughout the winter season.

Why use our snow reporting platform?

Our snow reporting system is crafted to suit your purpose. It’s been tried through the years and it has always worked. With its current design, it has become more user-friendly. Snow reporting has been made so easy with the improved and straightforward interface. Every piece of information entered into our content management system (CMS) is morphed into a solid snow report that anyone can freely access online using their computers and mobiles. We make sure that your snow report is tailored to the needs of today’s consumers – concise, timely, and reliable.

On top of that, we have the largest reach of ski travel consumers consisting of a broad affluent audience. Through our website, they obtain info about snow conditions and resort profiles for their trip planning. Your audience is our audience. And we’ll be glad to offer you that same leverage with our snow reporting platform.

When to file a snow report?

Filing a snow report is ideally done at the beginning of the day. Especially when there is a local snow storm, our consumers make use of our snow reports as a source of news and information regarding localized snow conditions. Thus, providing this info early on would help bring awareness and incite preparedness ahead of time.



How do I access your snow reporting platform?

It’s free and it’s easy. You only need to register an account to access our platform.

How to register?

For first-time users, email us at [email protected] to show your interest in registering an account. We will, then, reply to your email with your login credentials.

How to log in?

  1. Go to to enter your username and password.
  2. Hit the Login button.

Account issues, what to do?

If you are unable to remember your password:

  1. Go to to enter your registered email.
  2. Click the “Reset your password” button.
  3. Follow the steps on how to reset the password, which we sent to your email.
  4. Use the link again to log in using your email and the new password.

If you are still having login or any account issues, email us at [email protected]. 


You may also watch this tutorial about creating accounts and  snow reports.



How to create a snow report?

  1. Go to and log in using your username and password.
  2. Click the Snow report menu button as shown in Step 2.
  3. Fill in the form to create your snow report and then hit the “Submit” button.

Can you provide more details on how to fill out the snow report form?

Sure! Use the table below for your reference.

Field Info Preview
General Information  Open flag: Select the resort’s current status. Choose one from the following:

  • Open (open for skiing)
  • Weekends Only (currently on a weekend schedule)
  • Closed (not yet open for the season)
  • Temporarily Closed (closed until a scheduled date, unexpected closures, or other unscheduled closures)
  • Permanently Closed (closed indefinitely)
  • No Report Available (not applicable to reports filed by resort reporters)
Latest Snowfall This is for the amount of newly fallen natural snow in the last 24 hours.  Enter the value in inches/cm to the current date.

Note: Make sure that this value does not include the amount of artificial snow. 

Snow depth on the slopes and Surface Conditions  This is for the snow depth totals for the upper, middle, and lower sections of your resort. The surface conditions on top and bottom may be powder, packed-powder, machine-groomed, etc. Select from the dropdown menu.
Lifts Open Type in the number of lifts that are currently running at your ski resort. 
Skiable Terrain  This is for the total acres that are open.
Open Terrain by Length  This is for your resort’s total open terrain by length.
Open Terrain by Runs and by (%) This is for the total number of open runs by difficulty. As for the percentages, the values are automated when you specify the number of open runs.
Terrain Park  Type in the total number of parks that are open.
Additional Activities  This section is for the other activities available at the resort, such as Nordic, Tubing, and Parks. For example, specify the total km in the Nordic Open field.

Similarly, specify the total lanes open for snow tubing in the Tubing field.

Snow report comments  This is a section for your comments and language preferences. Type in your comments to highlight special info, especially those that have not yet been covered by the snow report (e.g., special operating hours).

Please do not add an advertisement in this section; if you would like to post an advertisement for your resort, contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss that with you.  

You may select your preferred language to designate where you want your report displayed. If, for instance, you choose English, your report will be shown in our English portals. This will give you the advantage of reaching a wider audience.

You may select more than one language flag. Once the comment in the respective language is populated, it will be displayed on respective domains. This is particularly useful when your resort is located near the borders,  e.g., Italy/France, Czechia/Poland, Slovakia/Poland. 

Note: Some fields may vary in certain regions. 

Can I file a snow report through mobile?

While we don’t have a mobile app where you can file a snow report, you may still use your mobile by going to your favorite browser and accessing our CMS from there. Our site is mobile-friendly. Simply log in here to create a snow report and then hit submit when you’re done.   

What happens after submitting the report?

Submitted snow reports will be in the queue for moderation under “Pending Reports”. Our team will attend to your snow report shortly.

Can I revise a submitted snow report?

You cannot revise the snow report once you hit the submit button. You may create a new one with the correct info and re-submit. Immediately after approval, it will override the previous report you submitted.



How to update ski resort info?

If the ski resort info is incorrect or outdated, you may edit it via the CMS. To modify ski resort info:

  1. Log in here: with your username and password.
  2. Select the aspect you want to modify and then hit the Submit button at the bottom.

For your reference, here are the ski resort features and info you may modify via the CMS.

Resort Info Description Preview
Lift Hours 


This is where you set the operating day and/or night hours for lifts at the resort.
Resort Profile  Choose it to edit your resort facts.  
  Contact Data  This is where you modify your contact information, such as your phone, email, the ski resort’s phone, website, and links to your ski resort’s services (e.g., ski rentals and ski lessons). You may also add the contact details of the ski-lift company.
  Resort Statistics  This is where you provide info about your resort’s opening date and closing date. You may also modify the average snowfall and other statistics info of your resort (e.g., elevation top, elevation base, and vertical drop).
  Resort Features  Apart from skiing, this section is where you add features or activities available at your resort, such as terrain park, cross country, tubing, summer ski resort, indoor resort, and glacier resort.
  Skiing Data  This section is about your ski resort’s longest runs, skiable terrain, snowmaking, night skiing in lengths.  Please take note of the units, e.g., if in acres (ac) or in kilometers (km). 
  Nordic Report  If your resort has a Nordic section, this is where you add info, such as Nordic length and page URL.
  Slopes by Difficulty  This is where you specify the slope counts available at your resort. You may also want to specify the total number of runs and slope lengths based on difficulty, i.e., expert runs, advanced runs, and beginner runs.

Note: when you specify the slope counts overall and by difficulty, the percentages for each slope type will be shown automatically under Slopes by percentages — thus, no need to fill in this section.

  Resort Features  This is where you specify the number of different ski lifts, e.g., surface lifts, double chairs, triple chairs, quad chairs, high-speed quads, high-speed sixes, eight-person lift, gondolas, and trams.

Type in “0” (zero) for those that are not applicable. The total number of lifts will be counted automatically after specifying the number of individual lifts.

  Terrain Park Features  This is for your resort’s total number of terrain park features, such as pipesjumps, and rails.
  Snow Tubing  This is about your resort’s total lanes of snow tubing. It is also where you mark whether it is lift-served or not.
  Metric Settings  This is where you may set the default units for wind force, e.g., miles per hour (mph), meters per second (m/s), or kilometers per hour (km/h). 
Trail maps  This is for your ski resort’s trail map. You may upload a trail map in .jpeg that is less than 2.5 MB resolution. 
 *Note: Webcams, images, and some texts can only be edited by our staff. If you want them corrected or if you want other info not specified here modified, email: [email protected] and we will apply the necessary changes.  


Watch this tutorial on how to update your resort data.



Do you support other languages apart from English?

Yes! Our site supports different languages. Click the link to see a sample snow report displayed in a specific language.

How to contact us?

Email us at [email protected] 

You may use our Contact Page or reach us via our social media accounts: